Mission: Traylor exists to be a community school centered on kindness and respect. We believe that we are better together than we are apart from each other.
Vision: We strive to be the positive and inclusive “hub” of Bear Valley with academic, social/emotional, and enrichment support and services for students, staff, and families.
The Mission and Vision of Traylor will be lived out by the following commitments
As school staff, we commit to…
Leading by example and treating others the way they want to be treated
Building relationships with all people. We will lead with kindness and respect for all cultures, races, orientations, disabilities, and personal differences. We commit to being learners and seeking to understand that not everyone has the same experience and/or needs the same things to be included and successful.
Providing a daily time to build social and emotional skills for children to feel safe, open to listen, and be seen and heard. We will use research based best practices throughout the school day to support our students’ well-being and development.
Implementing a Culturally Responsive Educational experience for our students by:
Maintaining high expectations and a growth mindset for ourselves all of our students
Being lifelong learners and holding safe spaces for brave conversations– realizing that the traditional way isn’t the only way
Using restorative practices* in times of conflict. While we believe in high expectations for all students, we will refrain from corporal and/or punitive punishment. Current research shows that Restorative Practices, natural consequences, and a growth mindset best supports child development and trusting relationships. The DPS Discipline Matrix will be used to guide decision making.
Giving students grade level content each day
Holding each other accountable to always do what’s best for kids
Acting with the highest professional standards and communicating in respectful and kind two way dialogue with parents and each other
As students, we commit to…
Building relationships with all people. We don’t have to be best friends, but we will lead with kindness and respect for all cultures, races, orientations, disabilities, and personal differences. We understand that we might need the same or different things to feel included and be successful.
Engaging at our own comfort level in daily social emotional activities and apply these skills learned in every aspect of life.
Reaching out to a trusted adult if we need to talk or need help and using a safe space or cozy corner when I need a break.
Learning about similarities and differences of culture in a respectful way. We will share when we feel comfortable and be an active listener when others are sharing.
Being open and honest even in hard times, telling the whole truth, how we feel, and what we individually need in the moment. We care for ourselves and our community.
Persevering in our work and asking questions when we don’t understand something. We will try our best and share when we are proud of our work. We know we can do it!
As families and community members, we commit to…
Being kind and respectful of all cultures, races, orientations, disabilities, and personal differences. We understand that not everyone has the same experience and/or needs the same things to feel included and be successful in the school setting.
Following up with our students about their SEL lessons. We will ask about how our kids are feeling and what strategies they are working on to help them be successful at school. If we have concerns or questions about our students’ well-being or development, we will reach out to the teacher or a school leader.
Understanding that behavior incidents will be solved with Restorative Practices.* We will not receive information about other children due to privacy laws. Traylor will follow DPS’ Discipline Matrix. While we believe in high expectations for all students, we will refrain from corporal and/or punitive punishment. Current research shows that Restorative Practices, natural consequences, and a growth mindset best supports child development and trusting relationships.
Encouraging our students to do their best each day at school. We will communicate with teachers and will stay informed about academic progress.
Communicating in respectful and kind two way dialogue with staff, students, and other community members.